Episode 265: Exploring Travel Insurance with CHUBB

Imagine you are going on the trip of a lifetime… You arrive at your destination and your luggage did not arrive.  What is the procedure? The airline has given you no indication when to expect your bags.  What if your bags don’t show up for several days or they never show up at all?  What will you wear?

Or maybe as you walk into your hotel, you fall down the last step of the staircase.  The X-ray says that nothing is broken and it is just a sprain, but it is not how you planned to start your trip.  You finally get going with your trip and you get a call that your child was just rushed to the hospital. This trip of a lifetime has turned into a nightmare.  What do you do?  Get in touch with the airline to try to get an earlier flight home? Call your travel agent?  That’s when you ask yourself, “Did I get the travel insurance that my travel agent offered?”

We spoke with a special guest who helped us unlock the mysteries of travel insurance –Head of Leisure Travel with Chubb Travel Protection, Bonnie Raschka. Hear what she has to say about what Travel Insurance does for you and why it is an essential part of your vacation plans.

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