Episode 392: LGBTQ Travel and Charters – A Client’s Perspective

You will also notice we have a special guest here tonight! (Hi, Franklyn!) Franklyn lives in Orlando, Florida. and is a road warrior with 1.1 million “butt-in-seat” lifetime airline miles thanks to both his business travel and his leisure travel. We invited Franklyn here tonight because he is a truly wonderful client and he is especially knowledgeable in LGBT -friendly and -welcoming travel and also in solo travel. He recently sailed on a Vacaya charter to the Caribbean and we wanted to get his perspective on what it is like to cruise this way, as compared to his other cruise vacations on standard itineraries.

To give a bit more background on this topic, Vacaya is a company that charters ships and resorts for adult LGBTGIA+ guests. They are not the only company that does this and we’ll explore some of the differences from the traveler perspective.

Elizabeth LindsayGeorge

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