Episode 189: Airfare Secrets

We are also honored and a bit giddy to welcome our special guest tonight, Robbi Hamida! Robbi may not be famous to YOU, but to us, he is a bit of an icon, both for his amazing knowledge of the airline industry and for his colorful and fun themed suits he wears to our national conferences.
Robbi is the Senior Vice President of Nexion®, a fully licensed, bonded and accredited host agency with operations in both the United States and Canada. Nexion, LLC supports more than 4,000 independent, leisure and corporate travel professionals, and is a branch of Tzell Travel Group, a Travel Leaders Group company. Among those 4,000 agents are the agents of Outlander Travel!
Having served the travel industry for more than 20 years, Robbi previously worked in the airline industry before joining Nexion®. As Senior Vice President, he is responsible for overseeing operations within the company, which include customer-facing as well as the behind-the-scenes segments of the business. It’s Robbi’s ultimate vision that all agents – regardless of working location – are able to provide a complete end-to-end travel experience for their customers. And this is exactly why we invited him here today.
Most of the travel we book starts and ends with flights, and this is often one of the most stressful and sometimes expensive part of the trip. With all the fares and restrictions and let’s not forget the mysterious “we just need to complete a bit of paperwork before we can push back…” announcements from the cockpit, we thought it would be fun to invite Robbi to share some of his knowledge, insight, and opinions on air travel and why it is important to work with a travel agent when booking your trip.

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