Travel is more than the seeing of sights, it is a change that goes on deep and permanent in the ideas of living. Today is a big day in the life of our podcast -she is 200 episodes old. When we were thinking about how to celebrate such an occasion we tossed a lot of ideas around trying to find the perfect way to honor not only our podcast but you, our listeners. Sandy, of course, thought all of us running a 200-mile relay race to Pittsburg would be awesome, Lindsay thought that a marathon 200 hours at Disney World while we podcasted live would be just the ticket, Donna, and I suggested singing 200 bottles of beer on the wall during the podcast while drinking craft beer would be the absolute best way to celebrate and Laura suggested a camp out on a 200 acre farm with 200 of our listeners on the 200th day of the year to celebrate adventure travel would be hands down be the sure-fire memorable way to commemorate our 200th episode. But after much bantering and discussion, we all knew the way to honor not only the podcast but those of you who have loyally shared this podcast journey with us was to let you sit around with us as we share the reasons any of us travel….it changes us, it makes us better, it humbles us, it inspires us and hopefully in the process we make the world a better place. Because as we have discovered and reaffirmed you never really travel alone..the world is full of friends waiting to get to know you!

Episode 200: Life Changing Travel
See the complete index of podcasts by topic!