Episode 315: Heritage Travel – Finding your roots.

We have all seen the commercials. How a man always thought he was one nationality and through thorough research found out he was mostly another nationality; or the woman who had been adopted and knew nothing of her ancestry, but found out through DNA testing what part of South America she was from. It is amazing and can be a bit overwhelming all of the information out there to help you find your roots. To help us wade through all of this, we have invited our favorite travelling librarian, Heidi Rodriguez. If you haven’t heard our podcast before, Heidi is a local adult services librarian for Wake County, North Carolina. She has helped countless patrons of the library with their own ancestral research and we are very lucky to have her. Accompanying Heidi, s her co-worker Pam Wiggins. Pam has worked in the library for 28 years and specializes in genealogical research.

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