Episode 378: Travel Chic: Pack Light, Dress Well

Many times on this podcast we have talked about packing tips. We have given ideas on how to pack smarter, not heavier. We have talked about our essentials and what are the “nice to have items” that we bring for entertainment or comfort. We haven’t necessarily talked about fashion when setting out on your journey so you can look like your best self. Tonight, we invite Mary Michelle Nidiffer to the podcast to tell our listeners 7 tips to Pack Light and Dress Well.

Mary Michele Nidiffer is on a mission to help women discover how beautiful they really are. As a Master Style Coach, Founder of StyleFinder Boutique and the StyleFinder School of Style, Creator of the StyleFinder ID® System, and Host of the Podcast, Style by Mary Michele, she knows firsthand that you can be pleased with nothing if you are not pleased with yourself and is committed to creating resources to empower women to feel beautiful from the inside out.

In 2008 she launched her style coaching practice after being asked by countless women to help them ‘find their style’. Mary Michele realized she had stepped into more than just a new career path – she had uncovered her purpose! Passionate about helping women discover their unique signature style, she created her proprietary StyleFinder ID® System to empower her clients with a clear understanding of their true style and how to dress for who they are. It has been magical to see these transformations again and again!

Mary Michele is a national speaker, freelance writer, wine enthusiast and foodie who lives with her husband and StyleFinder co-Founder, Jim, in Raleigh, NC.

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